"What are you going to do after college?”
It is the question that is constantly asked! Take the Culture Index, a 10 minute survey that measures seven work related traits & gain more insight into your future.
Culture Index Survey: (https://www.cindexinc.com/users/ciims/processes/surveyInfo.php?USER_ID=33896&COMPANY_CODE=E40F0B&h2=1485187962)
Founded on March 2, 1857, The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company is one of the largest life insurers in the United States. Northwestern Mutual and its subsidiaries offer an array of high-quality financial products and services, including:
· Permanent and term life insurance, disability income insurance and annuities, all available through Northwestern Mutual.
· Investments and long-term care insurance are offered through its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Northwestern Mutual doesn’t issue stock. Rather, it has a mutual structure, which means it’s owned by our more than 3 million policyowners. Our structure allows us to behave differently than most publicly traded stock companies, which typically must split their focus between customers and stockholders. Since Northwestern Mutual doesn’t issue stock, we have more freedom to focus on doing what’s best for the
long-term interest of our policyowners. This long-term focus is one of the major reasons why our products provide such great value to policyowners.
More details at: https://www.northwesternmutual.com/