Computer Help Center to benchmark performance

HDI surveys and benchmarks help desk peer organizations
HDI surveys and benchmarks help desk peer organizations

Information Technology Services has engaged HDI, an independent industry association, to randomly survey closed MySupport service tickets to better monitor customer satisfaction levels.

The Computer Help Center has conducted annual surveys in the past, but the HDI process surveys continually and measures performance against help desk industry standards. Surveys to the campus should begin in September. All survey participants will be entered into a monthly drawing for an iTunes giftcard.

"As a key support organization, we want to ensure that the Computer Help Center is meeting the needs of all of our customers," says Neil Wineman, Director, Client Services."HDI is a highly respected organization that knows best practices and continual improvement. UNL is one of several CIC institutions using HDI."

HDI measures key performance indicators for help desk organizations and the ability to benchmark individual and group performance with peer organizations.

For more about HDI, go to
For the Computer Help Center, go to