The second phase of a "high availability" upgrade to the campus network will result in a network outage to a number of City Campus buildings on Sunday, May 25 from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Information Technology Services will install an additional distribution router that will increase bandwidth and redundancy to campus buildings. This is the second in a series of network distribution upgrades initiated on May 11. By the end of the summer, bandwidth to all City campus locations will double. Additional project phases will continue on both City and East campuses through next year.
By the end of 2015, UNL will increase its internet capacity through commodity vendors and connections to consortiums Internet2 and OmniPop.
All wired and wireless networking in these locations will be affected by this work unless noted otherwise. The services affected include Energy Management (EMCS), CCTV, Alarms, Door Access.
College of Business Administration
Woods Art building
Love Library
Kimball Recital Hall
Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center
Westbrook Music Building
1320 Q (NUtech Ventures)
Sheldon Museum of Art
Temple Building
Lied Center
Canfield Administration
Andersen Hall
Nebraska Union
Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center-Van Brunt Visitors Center
Richards Hall
Alexander Building
420 University Terrace
Cather,Pound,Neihardt,Piper,Heppner,Love Hall – (Resnet & Housing Admin. connections NOT affected)
Wick Alumni Center (only EMCS, CCTV, Alarm network affected)
For additional information, please contact the UNL Operations Center at 402-472-5653
If you experience any problems after this work has been completed please contact the ITS Computer Help Center at 472-3970 or