Update: Latest Firefox also impacts Linux webmail access

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Linux users accessing Office 365 webmail are also impacted by the latest Firefox v30 release. As announced previously, the new browser release did not allow users on Mac to access Office 365 webmail. The use of an alternative browser is recommended to access webmail. (http://go.unl.edu/2m5y)

Both Mac and Linux users who have upgraded to Firefox v30 are being redirected to the following message when accessing webmail:

"The latest version of Firefox for Mac and Linux is incompatible with Office 365. Please access mymail.unl.edu with Safari or an alternate browser. For additional questions, contact the UNL Computer Help Center at 472-3970 or Toll Free (866) 472-3970 or email at mysupport@unl.edu."

**NOTE UNL Office 365 webmail is only accessible via Firefox v30 using Windows operating systems. All other operating systems must use an alternative web browser to access mymail.unl.edu