On East Campus and in the classroom

Plant and Landscape Systems 467 Planting Design students present their final projects to Kaylyn Neverve of Lincoln Parks & Recreation.
Plant and Landscape Systems 467 Planting Design students present their final projects to Kaylyn Neverve of Lincoln Parks & Recreation.

Plant and Landscape Systems 467 Planting Design students presented their final projects—landscape design plans for Easterday Park by the Easterday Recreation Center—to Kaylyn Neverve of Lincoln Parks & Recreation Dec. 1.

Neverve listened, evaluated and offered advice to the students. Kim Todd, professor of agronomy and horticulture and a Licensed Landscape Architect, teaches the class.

The students in the course include PLAS majors with options in landscape design and management, turfgrass science and management and horticulture; and architecture and landscape architecture majors.

More details at: https://go.unl.edu/8ahu