Explore full-time and part-time jobs at Nebraska-based high-growth companies, hear from startup founders & first employees, and grow your network at the Nebraska Startup Job Mixer on Friday, April 19 at The Granary in Ralston.
Whether you're seeking a full-time position, a part-time role, or an internship, the Nebraska Startup Job Mixer is your gateway to engaging with innovative startup companies and discovering new opportunities.
RSVP here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd9C4vcj5DYKo9vxUbEVZEwqRQmV-ax7tbJftc19JLODcT9iw/viewform
More details at: https://www.linkedin.com/events/nebraskastartupjobmixer-ralston7167218276543004672/