Graduate students earn awards and travel grants

Seven Department of Agronomy and Horticulture graduate students have recently been honored with awards and travel grants.

Maxwel Oliveira and Rodrigo Werle, both doctoral students in agronomy, recently won awards at the Weed Science Society of America meetings in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Feb. 8.

Oliveira won first place for his poster presentation—"Pollen-mediated resistance transfer from HPPD-resistance waterhemp to Palmer amaranth in Nebraska”. His advisor is Agronomy and Horticulture professor Stevan Knezevic.

Werle received the 2016 Outstanding Graduate Student Award. This award, sponsored by DuPont Crop Protection, honors students with a good academic record and sound training in weed science who have made notable contributions to weed science. The recipient must also be recognizable as a truly outstanding individual with excellent potential for continued development. Werle’s advisor is Agronomy and Horticulture professor John Lindquist. After graduation this May, Werle starts as the new Cropping Systems Specialist at the West Central Research and Extension Center in North Platte.

Parminder Chahal, Debalin Sarangi, Sunil Kumar, Zahoor Ganie and Raquel de Oliveira Rocha, CASNR graduate students, each received a Graduate Studies Ph.D. Travel Grant for 2016. Chahal, Sarangi and Ganie work under Weed Management Specialist Amit Jhala. Kumar is advised by Associate Professor Harkamal Walia, and Rocha is advised by Plant Pathology Associate Professor Richard Wilson.

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