![Rodger Farr (from left), Shawn McDonald, Kolby Grint and Samantha Teten stand in front of the Tampa Convention Center during the ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2017 Annual Meeting.](https://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/files/file86338.jpg)
Representatives from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln Agronomy Club attended the undergraduate Students of Agronomy, Soils, and Environmental Sciences program at the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting Oct 20–24 in Tampa, Florida. Junior agronomy majors Rodger Farr, Kolby Grint and Samantha Teten, and senior plant biology major Shawn McDonald, participated.
Department of Agronomy and Horticulture’s Chris Proctor, assistant extension educator, and Meghan Sindelar, assistant professor of practice, currently serve as club advisers.
The annual meeting boasted more than 280 undergraduate students in attendance from across the nation. The Huskers competed in research or club activity poster presentations, public speeches and a crops judging contest on agronomic knowledge. The students also had the opportunity to attend research presentations, professional workshops and some downtime at the beach.
Grint placed third in the Club Poster, “Down to the Roots–Teaching Soil Health to First-grade Students.” Teten placed third in the Undergraduate Research Poster, “Analysis of Blended Learning Method for Teaching Introductory Soils Course,” and the Husker Crops Judging Team place third overall. Out of 78 students competing, Teten earned eighth place in the individual competition and Grint placed 10th.
Agronomy Club officers Farr and McDonald presented the club’s proposal to host the regional SASES conference and it was awarded to the University of Nebraska–Lincoln for 2018.
Nebraska to host SASES 2018
Nebraska will host the SASES regional conference April 12–14. More than 250 students are expected to attend this three-day event held for undergraduate students in agronomy, soils and environmental studies from across the United States. This will be an opportunity for students to hear from speakers, attend Nebraska tours, and network with others who share an interest in agriculture.
Visit https://agronomy.unl.edu/sases18 for more information on SASES 2018.
More details at: https://agronomy.unl.edu/news/huskers-find-success-annual-meeting-sunshine-state