2020 Nebraska Transportation Conference Call for Presentations
Submission Deadline: JUNE 15, 2020
The 2020 Nebraska Transportation Conference is hosted in partnership with Nebraska Department of Transportation, the University of Nebraska, and the Mid-America Transportation Center. The Conference aims to address infrastructure and innovation ideas and projects across the built environment.
ACEC Nebraska expects more than 250 participants from a diverse audience in both private and public sectors from all disciplines of infrastructure, notably consulting engineers; local, state and federal government employees; and other industry professionals.
The 2020 Conference Planning Committee is comprised of individuals from ACEC Nebraska (staff and member consulting engineers), NDOT, University of Nebraska College of Engineering and Mid-America Transportation Center. Presentations will be selected based on topics, flow of content, and value and interest to industry. The Planning Committee will be looking for submissions to include:
• Fresh perspectives, cutting-edge ideas and solution-based innovations
• Application to multi-disciplinary interests, including both private and public sectors
• Initiatives that help break or overcome barriers
• Interactive opportunities within presentations
NOTE: submission of a proposal does not guarantee selection for presentation.
JUNE 15, 2020 Proposals due to ACEC Nebraska via email by 5pm. JULY 1, 2020 Notification sent for all accepted proposals.
OCTOBER 1, 2020 Presentation materials by email to ACEC Nebraska. OCTOBER 9, 2020 Presenter/Panelist registration deadline.
OCTOBER 22-23, 2020 2020 Nebraska Transportation Conference
1. Proposals will be accepted for
a. Presentations (submitted as a team or as an individual) and
b. Panels (submitted as a group with a facilitator or as a group without a facilitator).
2. Availability of all presenters must be confirmed in advance and must be identified in this submission.
3. Final Presentation Materials must be submitted by email to jeanne@acecnebraska.org by October 1, 2020.
Please provide the following information:
Primary Contact:
(NOTE: ACEC Nebraska will communicate with one person for all details related to this submission. This person is responsible for coordinating and relaying information to speakers, providing presentation materials, and making all other necessary arrangements.)
Phone (Direct Line or Mobile):
Presentation Title: _
Brief Description of Presentation (to appear on event program if accepted):
Type of Presentation:
Lecture with PowerPoint
Panel (facilitator + panelists)
Interactive content and dialogue/discussion with audience
Intended Audiences: (check all that apply):
Environmental Specialist
Local Agencies
Private Owners
Public Works
Other (please specify)
Minimum/Maximum Session Length: Sessions are typically 20-60 minutes in length; however, shorter or extended programs or combination of two presentations may be offered when the content is similar or complementary.
Please indicate the estimated length of the presentation:
AV/Visual Plans & Needs: ACEC Nebraska and Innovation Campus provide projectors, laptop, microphones (lapel, wireless), and podium.
Please indicate your A/V needs:
Other (please indicate)
Confirmed Presenters: Please list all presenters and panelists for this presentation.
Be sure to include each presenter's professional name, credentials, job title, and organization.
Primary Presenter or Facilitator (professional name, credential, job title and organization) (NOTE: please indicate if a facilitator is needed):
Co-Presenter or Panelist (professional name, credential, job title and organization):
Co-Presenter or Panelist (professional name, credential, job title and organization):
Co-Presenter or Panelist (professional name, credential, job title and organization):
Additional Co-Presenter(s) or Panelists:
Has This Session Been Presented at Other Conferences or Trainings?
(Please include the event name and date.):
Comments: (Are there other details or comments about this presentation that should be considered by Conference Planning Committee?):
(initial) Terms & Conditions: I/we have read and acknowledge the terms and conditions for presentation at the 2020 Nebraska Transportation Conference and will relay this information to all presenters, co-presenters and panelists. ACEC Nebraska reserves the right to modify the agenda and make scheduling changes in the best interest of the conference. The primary contact for this submission will be notified by email about potential changes, should they occur.
All presentation proposals must be submitted via email to jeanne@acecnebraska.org.
More details at: https://acecnebraska.org/#