Fall 2023
NEW: Monday and Wednesday 1:00-2:15 MW 1:00-2:15
149 Chase Hall
BSEN 455/855 CIVE 455/855 is designed for BSE and CIVE majors interested in the causes and control of nonpoint source pollution in agricultural and urban settings. This is an undergraduate and graduate class.
Characterization and assessment of nonpoint source pollutants; transport mechanisms and remediation technologies; design methodologies, and case studies.
Learning Objectives:
• Recognize the social, legal, economic and watershed contexts of nonpoint source (NPS) pollution, and explain its control and mitigation
• Be able to use underlying principles of environmental and ecological engineering, and hydrology to examine, compare, and select components and processes involved in NPS pollution control
• Operate and interpret NPS water quality models to examine watershed performance and Total Maximum Daily Load development
• Formulate, evaluate and communicate best management practices for NPS pollution control.
3 credits, with prerequisites: BSEN/CIVE 326 or BSEN 355, and AGEN/BSEN 350 or CIVE 352 or permission. Permission may be given if AGEN/BSEN 350 or CIVE 352 is taken concurrently.
For questions or permission contact: Dr. Tom Franti, 472-9872, tfranti@unl.edu