Sustainable Operations Workshop at the College of Business

Sustainable Operations Workshop
Sustainable Operations Workshop

The SCMA Department and the College of Business will be hosting the 2024 Early Career Sustainable Operations Workshop from February 23-25, 2024. The workshop will include cutting-edge research talks on a variety of topics, featuring speakers from leading universities across the US, as well as a series of flash presentations highlighting new research projects. The full program, including speakers and paper titles, is available here:

You are invited to attend the workshop to learn more about state-of-the-art research on sustainability in operations management. The registration deadline is February 10 and the registration fee is $100, which includes all meals and a reception in Morrill Hall. The registration link is available here:

The workshop program committee includes Erkut Sonmez and Jennifer Ryan from the College of Business, and Priyank Arora from University of South Carolina.