Geo-Mat Seminar: Sustainability in Asphalt Pavements: Challenges and Perspectives

Geo Mat Seminar Flyer
Geo Mat Seminar Flyer

Who: Dr. Kamilla Vasconcelos, Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo
When: Friday March 22 at 10:00AM
Where: PKI 164, KH A512, Zoom ID: 99424352380

The world is facing new challenges due to climate and environmental issues, with the transportation sector responsible for 25% of global CO2 emissions. Road transport stands out as the biggest contributor to CO2 emissions within this sector. Sustainability actions aimed at mitigating the impacts generated by this chain have been initiated. The research group at the Paving Technology Laboratory of the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo has been actively working on several of these actions, which will be addressed during the presentation. These actions include recycling asphalt pavements, utilizing plastic waste and mining byproducts in paving, producing Biobinders from renewable sources as substitutes for petroleum-derived asphalt binder, mapping emissions, and analyzing the life cycle associated with asphalt paving.

Dr. Kamilla Vasconcelos obtained her bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC, 2002), her Master's in Transportation Engineering at UFC (2004), and her Ph.D. in Civil Engineering at Texas A&M University (TAMU, 2009). Currently serving as an Associate Professor at the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo (USP) in the Department of Transportation Engineering, Dr. Vasconcelos has authored over 100 technical papers in various journals and conferences. She actively participates in peer reviewing for several international journals, serves as Associate Editor of the International Journal of Pavement Engineering (IJPE), and sits on the Editorial Board of Road Materials and Pavement Design (RMPD). Additionally, she holds key positions in ISAP, TRB AKM20 Standing Committee, and the AM3P Standing International Advisory Committee. Dr. Vasconcelos is also involved in RILEM technical committees focusing on sustainability, recycling, and biomaterials for pavement applications within Transportation Infrastructure research.