University of Louisville is Hiring!


The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) at University of Louisville invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in water resources effective August 2025. The department has dual ABET accreditation in BS and MEng programs of Civil Engineering. In addition, it also has M.S. and Ph.D. programs. This position is expected to be filled at the rank of assistant professor in the water resources area. A Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering is required. Professional Engineering licensure (PE) or plans to pursue PE registration is expected.

This position is encouraged to interact with team members of our active NSF EPSCoR Track 1 CLIMBS project, entitled, “Flood Prediction and Impact Evaluation in a Changing Climate: Understanding Past and Present to Predict, Prepare, and Respond.” This project focuses on improving flash flood predictions in headwater streams across Kentucky considering climate and land use change and understanding the impacts of flooding on community resilience.

For detailed information on this project, see:

The successful candidate is expected to have a focus on hydraulics, hydrology, water distribution and treatment, water resources management, environmental hydraulics, hydrodynamics, hydrologic prediction, water quality modeling, water system resilience, stream restoration, surface and groundwater modeling, groundwater-surface water interaction, data analytics, utility operations, or related disciplines.

Application reviews will begin on March 3, 2025 and will continue until the position is filled.

More details at: