From Dr. Xu Li:
Dear students interested in Environmental Engineering and Water Resources,
I would like to bring to your attention the opportunities of becoming a student member of AWWA and/or NWEA (American Water Works Association and Nebraska Water Environment Association) and winning student scholarships from these two associations. The memberships and scholarships are open to both graduate and undergraduate students.
AWWA and NWEA memberships. (NWEA is the Nebraska section of Water Environment Federation [WEF].)
The benefits of being a student member, taking NWEA as an example, include receiving discounts on WEF products and services, attending state/national conferences with a reduced registration fee, and receiving networking opportunities and career advices. For more benefit information, please go to the websites of AWWA (http://www.awwa.org/) and WEF (http://www.wef.org/).
AWWA student membership due is $20, and the WEF student membership due is $28. The local section of both AWWA and WEF will subsidize the student memberships. So, for either membership, you only need to pay $10 out of pocket. In order to take advantage of the subsidized memberships, please complete the attached AWWA and WEF Student Membership Application forms and submit a hardcopy of your application to Dr. Xu Li by 5 pm of Friday 10/05/2018. Please write your check payable to American Water Works Association or Water Environment Federation. After 10/05/2018, application for the memberships should be sent directly to the national offices of AWWA and WEF.
AWWA Membership Application
WEF Membership Application
Nebraska Section AWWA Scholarship (i.e., Colonel Theodore A. Liesen Memorial Scholarship) and NWEA Scholarship
Application forms to the two scholarships are available here:
AWWA Scholarship
WEF Scholarship
If you are interested in applying for either or both of the scholarships, please submit your application in PDF to Dr. Xu Li by 5 pm of Friday 10/05/2018. If you are unable to submit electronically, please submit hard copies of your application forms to Dr. Xu Li (students in Lincoln) or Dr. George Hunt (students in Omaha):
Dr. Xu Li: N117 SEC Link, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68588-6105. xuli@unl.edu
Dr. George Hunt: 204A PKI Building, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Nebraska, Omaha, NE 48182-0178. ghunt2@unl.edu
For questions regarding the memberships and scholarships of AWWA and NWEA, please feel free to contact me.
Xu Li