CIVE Weekly

November is Native American Heritage Month

UNITE UNL November flyerNovember is Native American Heritage Month, and UNITE UNL is celebrating with a series of events.

Late Night Dish It Up - 11/1
Native Arts & Crafts - 11/7
A Day of Service - 11/30

For more info, follow UNITE UNL:
Facebook: UNITE UNL
Twitter: @UNITE_UNL
Instagram: @UNInterTribalExchange


Preparing for the US Job Search

Preparing for the US Job SearchNovember 5 | 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. | Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center Ubuntu Room/202

Presented by Career Services and the International Student and Scholar Office, this event will give international students an overview of how to seek opportunities in the United States. Continue reading…


Intern and Research Abroad Student Panels - Wednesday Nov. 14th

Intern and Research Abroad Student Panels - Wednesday Nov. 14thAs part of International Education Week, a new informational program regarding both interning and doing undergraduate research abroad will run for the first time this fall.

November 14th in the City Campus Union Crib
-Internships Panel: 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
-Research Panel: 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm


Introductory Level GIS Courses

GIS flyerCommunity and Regional Planning will be offering two introductory level GIS courses:

CRPL 830- Planning with GIS
CRPL 495- Selected Topics - Planning with GIS

Check with your advisor if you would like to substitute this for a general technical elective or professional development elective.

Originally published October 31, 2018 - Submit an Item