Course Announcement: CRPL 471/871 - Environmental Impact Assessment

CRPL 471/871 Environmental Impact Assessment (Online Class)
Semester: Summer, 2019
Session: 8-Week Session: from May 20, 2019 (Monday) to July 12, 2019 (Friday)
Instructor: Zhenghong Tang, Ph.D, Associate Professor

This CRPL 471/871 Environmental Impact Assessment class is an online class. This class provides an overview of “environmental impact assessment” in the United States. It emphasizes the significant environmental legislation - National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). This class introduces the background and implementation of the NEPA, and explains the preparation of NEPA documents. This course explores how to conduct environmental impact assessments, environmental impact analysis, review of environmental impact statements, and use of various regulatory review processes. This class covers the major themes of environmental impacts assessment, including air pollution, water quality, land resources, cultural resources, archaeology, traffic, noise, transportation, and so on. The class learns to how to evaluate environmental impacts for projects, plans, and programs.

See the course flyer for more information.