Parking lot south of Beadle Center set to close
To accommodate construction of the new College of Nursing and University Health Center, most of the parking lot south of the Beadle Center that serves commuter student Area C, and faculty, staff Area A, will close at 10 p.m. Wednesday, November 9. Two rows of parking on the north end of the area will be available to faculty and staff, Area A permits, until 10 p.m. December 16. At that time, access to the entire parking lot, which includes designated parking for Area A and C permits, will be closed.
For permit holders who use this area, other options are available, including:
• 21st and Vine, C permit , surface lot
• 14th and Avery, C permit, surface lot
• 21st and Vine, A permit, surface lot
• 18th and Vine, east of Sandoz, A permit, surface lot
• Boathouse (enter from 16th Street), A and C permits, surface lot
Or you may want to consider a garage permit to park in:
• Garage at 17th and R Streets, A and C permits are eligible to upgrade.
o To convert a surface permit to this garage, simply bring your permit to Parking and Transit Services and request the change.
o The monthly cost of a garage permit is an additional $9 for students and an additional $6 for faculty and staff.
Additional parking for faculty and staff Area A will be available at the R2 lot, west of 19th Street by the beginning of Spring Semester.
If you have questions, please contact Parking and Transit Services, 402-472-1800. Check the parking map of this area at