UNL Parking and Transit Services

Parking permits available for purchase, return or upgrade

Parking permits are on sale now at Parking and Transit Services. The cost will be prorated to reflect the purchase date and 2016-2017 expiration date. Permit options include faculty, staff, and student surface lots and garages.

Purchase can be made online at http://parking.unl.edu/parking or in person at the Parking and Transit Services office, 625 Stadium Drive, Suite A. When renewing in person, please complete and bring the Permit Application Form, available at http://parking.unl.edu/documents/Parking-Permit-Application-Form.pdf

Payment can be made with debit or credit card, cash, check, employee payroll deduction or student consolidated billing.

You can return a parking permit before its expiration date and receive a refund for the unused time or cancel additional payments. For the refund, you must return the actual permit to Parking and Transit Services. Faculty and staff must return a bus pass issued with the permit.

Details are available at http://parking.unl.edu/parking-use-agreement-regulations#permit-returns

Check availability of different parking options for Spring Semester
With the return of some permits, additional spaces may become available in areas that were previously sold out. For the current permit options, check with Parking and Transit Services. If space is open, you can convert your current permit.

More details at: http://parking.unl.edu/

Winter Break parking for students

Students who have a registered vehicle with a UNL surface parking permit and planning to leave your vehicle on campus during the semester winter break – you must park your vehicle in these designated areas:
• 14th & Avery Garage, 1111 North 14th Street
• 17th & R Street Garage, 300 N 17th Streets.
Park above level one. Do not park in designated faculty or staff parking spots.

You can park in these areas beginning Friday, December 9.
Vehicles must be parked in their regular designated areas by end of day, Sunday, January 8, 2017.

Parking your car in a garage keeps surface lots open for snow removal and protects your vehicle during winter weather.

More details at: http://parking.unl.edu/

Parking lot south of Beadle Center closes for construction

To accommodate construction of the new College of Nursing and University Health Center, the parking lot south of the Beadle Center closes completely on December 16.

For permit holders who use this area, other options are available, including:
• 21st and Vine, C permit , surface lot
• 14th and Avery, C permit, surface lot
• 21st and Vine, A permit, surface lot
• 18th and Vine, east of Sandoz, A permit, surface lot
• Boathouse, A and C permits, surface lot (enter from 16th Street)

Permit holders can also convert to permits for the garage at 17th and R Streets. To upgrade, bring the current permit to Parking and Transit Services and make the changes.

If you have questions, please contact Parking and Transit Services, 402-472-1800. Check the parking map of this area at http://parking.unl.edu/maps/CityCampusParkingMap.pdf

More details at: http://parking.unl.edu/
Originally published December 9, 2016 - Submit an Item