Nebraska Parking and Transit Services

Area A F3 D1.jpg
Area A F3 D1.jpg

Parking spaces available in Memorial Mall area

The first phase of a larger renovation to the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s Memorial Loop Road is complete, opening up additional parking options for faculty and staff.

The work included an upgrade of the old brick roadway and a revised parking design that allows for Area A permits on north and south roadways, with an Area F03/D1 reserved parking lot between.

All vehicles must enter the parking area at the intersection of 14th and Vine streets. The redesign allows for two-way traffic on Vine Street between 14th Street and Memorial Stadium.

Area A parking is available along Vine Street and the roadway north of Bessey and Morrill halls. Parking between the two Area A lots is reserved for F03 and D1 permits.

The accompanying map illustrates access and traffic flow for these areas.

The parking spaces are available until the next phase of Memorial Loop Road renovation begins.

For more information, contact Parking and Transit Services, 402-472-1800.


Provide, verify phone numbers

Faculty and staff are reminded to maintain current phone numbers in MyRED or Firefly. Parking account information automatically updates from these systems.

The numbers are important as Parking and Transit Services workers may attempt to contact permit holders in the event of problems.

Originally published September 17, 2018 - Submit an Item