Check out our fall issue of the Brand Report for the scoop on what we talked about in Happy Half-Hours, upcoming professional development opportunities, and more!
We all know you've been doing great work in visual communications at UNL, but are you aware that you can be recognized for that work as well? There are several ways to be recognized in the visual communication, design and marketing industries.
Adobe is hosting their annual Adobe MAX conference, October 18-20. This year it will be held virtually and is free to those with a Creative Cloud account!
Adobe recently announced that it is acquiring Figma, which means that sooner or later, Adobe XD will no longer be Adobe's primary UX/UI Design tool. Figma has a set of very thorough lessons that you can go through at your own pace.
Raise your hand if you’ve recently written about yourself in the third person! One of multiple Justin Gibsons in the vicinity, this one works for the College of Arts and Sciences where he creates digital and print graphics as design associate.