Pick Your Lane: Rebuild or Rehome

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With the move to a new no-code authoring environment in the Next-Gen CMS, site owners will need to move their content to the new platform. The first major decision in the process is to choose between rebuilding the site in the Next-Gen CMS and switching over to it as soon as it's complete, or rehoming the site in the Next-Gen CMS and working through its pages to complete a transition to Layout Builder.

In general, we recommend that the path of rebuilding be the first consideration for any site. Rebuilding entails 'cleaning the closet' as part of the process, and if that hasn't been done lately, it's always a good idea as part of managing any website. Rebuilding allows quicker arrival at a no-code future for continuous development and maintenance of your website.

Because we need to sunset Drupal 7, the "old" CMS, by January of 2025, the WDN Shared Governance Board has established September 17, 2024 as a goal to have rebuilt websites completed and live in the Next-Gen CMS.

However, we're aware that there are some sites that are just too large to successfully rebuild in that timeframe. So, the other path is open: rehome. Designed for larger sites, this path will take existing content and move it to the Next-Gen CMS as temporary transition pages. Developers will then have until January 5, 2026 to shift all pages to the Layout Builder authoring environment.

UNL WebAudit emails will in the next month begin asking developers to choose their path so that we can plan, train, monitor and communicate appropriately regarding the transition of your website(s) to Next-Gen CMS. Keep an eye on your inbox through this transition period.

More details at: https://wdn.unl.edu