Important Information about Your Scholarship Funds and Billing:
Your Buffett scholarship is a one-time disbursement that includes your tuition and any other fees associated with the cost of attendance (lab fees, books, etc.) and can be up to $4,250 (maximum for fall semester). Each student receives a different amount from their Buffett scholarship based on their individual financial need and financial aid package (please check you MyRed Financial Aid tab for more specific information on your individual financial aid package). The Buffett Foundation sends your scholarship to your campus (in this case UNL campus), which then credits your tuition statement for the costs of your actual semester cost of attendance up to a maximum of $4,250. For those of you who have not yet seen the scholarship disperse on your account the Financial Aid Office has informed us that many of the discernments will happen by Friday, September 5, 2014 (unless you have a Financial Aid hold on your account).
Once posted on your account, your scholarship will pay anything that is on your Student Account. Therefore, along with the tuition and books, if you have Starbucks charges, a parking permit, and football tickets on your NCard, it will pay those as well. This is really important to know because if you purchase your books with your NCard they might not show up on your bill until September or October and then you will need to pay the remaining amount. Below is a summary of the specific dates and periods of time, as well as due dates on your student account. I have also included a summary of typical monthly charges to student accounts for your records. If you are purchasing your books online through Amazon or another vendor, depending on what is on your Student Account, you may not receive a refund to pay for your books. Therefore, you will want to take this into consideration with how you choose to pay.
It is important to remember that the Buffett Scholarship is only one part of your financial aid package. Therefore, you may have other scholarships and financial aid on your account that will be used to pay for different part of your costs associated with going to UNL this fall. Not every student will receive a refund check, and some students may have to take loans in order to pay the difference between the financial aid they received and the actual cost of attendance. Each of you can review your financial aid package on MyRed.
Included below is important information about typical billing charges that you should expect during fall semester. In addition, we have included a detailed outline of the billing cycle associated with your NCard charges. Please review the information below as it will help you better understand the billing cycle of your student account.
Typical Monthly Billing Cycle for Fall Term 2014
Available each month online at MyRED by the 25th day
Due each month by the 12th day
August Invoice
--First Semester Tuition and Fees
--Initial Housing
--Scholarships and Financial Aid
--Refund of Excess Aid
September Invoice
--Possible Tuition and Fee Adjustments for Drops/Adds
--Housing (2nd Installment
--University Bookstore Charges (Textbooks and Supplies)
--Parking Permit
October Invoice
--Housing (3rd Installment)
--New Charges from Telecommunications
November Invoice
--New Charges from Telecommunications
December Invoice
--New Charges from University Bookstore, Parking, Health Center, Telecommunications, and Other NCard Charges
Special Note: If you received a deferment on your enrollment deposit $250.00 that charge may already be due by September 12, 2014. If it is not on the September bill, then it will most likely be due with any other charges by October 12, 2014. This means you must actively think about how you will pay those charges and whether or not you will have the funds to cover the cost.
NCard Purchases (Including University Bookstore, food court, and any other locations on campus where you use your NCard):
--Any purchases made between July 15 and August 14, 2014 will appear on your Student Accounts bill in August and their due date will be September 12, 2014.
--Any purchases made between August 15 and September 14, 2014 will appear on your Student Accounts bill in September and their due date will be October 12, 2014.
--Any purchases made between September 15 and October 14, 2014 will appear on your Student Accounts bill in October and their due date will be November 12, 2014.
--Any purchases made between October 15 and November 14, 2014 will appear on your Student Accounts bill in November and their due date will be December 12, 2014.
--Finally, any purchases made between November 15 and December 14, 2014 will appear on your Student Accounts bill in December and their due date will be January 12, 2015.
What does this mean for you?
--You will need to have funds available to you in order to pay those bills before they are due.
--If you receive a refund on your account in August or September, but have made purchases on your NCard after August 15th those charges will need to be paid. Thus, you MUST save any refund you receive to be able to cover those charges.
For more information about your Financial Aid Package please contact Scholarships and Financial aid at 402-472-2030. You can also email them at
For more information or if you have specific questions about your student account please contact Student Accounts at 402-472-2887. You can also email them at More information about typical billing cycles can be accessed at