Mentor Applications DUE Monday, March 30th by 5PM

Mentor Job Applications DUE Monday, March 30
Mentor Job Applications DUE Monday, March 30

W.H. Thompson mentors provide peer leadership within the learning community. Mentors provide key support to first-year scholars as they navigate the transition from high school to college and contribute
to the successful functioning of the W.H. Thompson community by staffing events and the Study Café. Mentors
act as role models to other students and serve as conduits between students and professional staff.

-Provide peer leadership within the W.H. Thompson community via direct mentorship of 6-8 first year students. This duty includes conducting monthly individual meetings with students and executing group events. Outside of these monthly requirements, mentors must be available on an as needed basis to assist
students seeking their advice and assistance.
-Staff W.H. Thompson meetings, events, Study Café and other activities as needed.

-Responsibly execute monthly individual and group meetings with students
-To be available to students on an as needed basis outside of monthly meetings and events
-Serve as a role model in the learning community
-Become acquainted with all students in their group and other new students and establish positive relationships
-Staff at least three events and two Study Café shifts during each semester
-Meet monthly with W.H. Thompson professional staff and keep open lines of communication with staff at all times
-Keep excellent records and submit them in a timely manner
-Attend all required events (summer mentor training 8/17/2015-8/20/2015, First Year Scholar Orientation
8/22/2015, 2 mentor trainings each semester, three campus mentor training, and other required events
-Abide by university policies and confidentiality rules

More details at:

More details at: