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This Week, July 8 - 12, 2013

UNL Campus
UNL's Doug Golick holds one of the bumblebee domiciles he placed at East Campus. Working through Kickstarter, Golick is trying to raise $3,300 to build 200 boxes and distribute them across the country.

UNL professor crowdsources a better bumblebee box

Doug Golick generated a little buzz with his recent project. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln assistant professor of entomology is working to craft the ideal bumblebee domicile – and he turned to the public to get the project off the ground. "This is a citizen science project," Golick said. "We are crowdsourcing the funding. Everyone who makes a pledge gets to take part in the research."

Working through Kickstarter, a company that provides tools to raise funds for creative projects, Golick met his goal of $3,300. The money will be used to build bumblebee nest boxes and develop a website for data collection. Read more about this project in Today@UNL.


Native American Shawl Dance. (Courtesy Tom Tidball)
Native American Shawl Dance. (Courtesy Tom Tidball)

Jacht Ad Lab features photos by Tidball

The Jacht Ad Lab, UNL's student advertising agency, will host a First Friday showing of work by Tom Tidball from 6 to 8 p.m. July 5 in the Jacht office at 201 N. Eighth St.

Tidball, an adjunct professor of journalism, will display photos from his collection, "Pow-Wow Plains." The work includes shots from pow-wows of the Omaha, Winnebago, Santee Sioux, Ponca and Pawnee tribes in Nebraska. The exhibit is part of the Great Plains Art Museum collection and has been on tour across the Midwest for the last decade. Read more about this exhibit in Today@UNL.


Rural Poll tracks skepticism about new health insurance law

Most rural Nebraskans have health insurance and a majority think the nation will be worse off under the new health care law, though many also acknowledge they don't sufficiently understand the law, according to the 2013 Nebraska Rural Poll.

The 18th annual UNL poll was sent to 6,320 households in Nebraska's 84 nonmetropolitan counties in March and April. Results are based on 2,317 responses.

The poll asked participants a series of questions about their own health-insurance situation and about their opinions of the Affordable Care Act, also known as the health care reform law, passed by Congress in 2010. Read more about the Rural Poll in Today@UNL.


Stores We Tell, The East show at the Ross

The genre-twisting documentary "Stories We Tell" opens today at the Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center. Also continuing at the Ross is "The East." Both films are rated PG-13 and play through July 11. Read more about these films at The Ross website.


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UNL in the national news, June 2013

National media outlets featured and cited UNL sources on a number of topics in the past month. Read a full list of media appearances in Today@UNL.


Woodward wins Chateaubriand Fellowship to study in France

Robert J. Woodward, a University of Nebraska-Lincoln graduate student in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering and a graduate research fellow of the National Science Foundation, was selected to receive the Chateaubriand Fellowship of the Office of Science and Technology of the Embassy of France in Washington, D.C.

This STEM fellowship will allow him to conduct research for one year at the University of Montpellier in France in collaboration with Christian Bessiere, a research director of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. In addition to being selected as a Chateaubriand Fellow, Woodward also received an award from NSF's Graduate Research Opportunities Worldwide program to support his travel to France. Read more about Woodward and this fellowship in Today@UNL.


WDN templates 4.0 banner

UNLedu 4.0 to launch in August

The Internet and Interactive Media Group and the UNL Web Developer Network are pleased to announce the fourth major revision to the look and feel of the UNL website.

Building on last year's Version 3.1 of the UNLedu Web Framework, which added support for smartphones and tablets by employing 'responsive' web technology, UNLedu 4.0 will include support for widescreen displays among the basic features available to any UNL web content provider.

Along with a unified, branded look and feel for UNL, the UNLedu Web Framework is built using valid markup, and it complies with federal accessibility standards. Its built-in features include integrated site and directory search, single sign-on authentication and user profiles, emergency alerts, news and event feeds, and constituent chat capability. In addition, more than 400 UNL sites are now published using UNLcms, a robust content management platform maintained in concert with the web framework.

The UNL Web Developer Network meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 2 p.m. in the Nebraska Union. In its June meeting, WDN members approved a launch date of August 12 for this '4.0' revision of the UNLedu Web Framework. A deadline for updating sites to this version will be determined in WDN's July meeting.