PMC3 LPS raises money for CSMCE


Now, more than ever, Nebraska students need to learn mathematics from inspiring teachers. To meet this need, the highest priority of the Center for Science, Mathematics & Computer Education (CSMCE) at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln is to educate teachers of math and science who are recognized as among the nation’s best teachers and significantly strengthen the math and science education of the K-12 students they teach.

The success of UNL faculty in obtaining federal grants like NebraskaMATH, Math in the Middle, and NebraskaNOYCE has provided educational opportunities to hundreds of Nebraska teachers. But these are opportunities needed by many more dedicated Nebraska teachers.

To aid in this endeavor, the LPS cohort 3 of Primarily Math started a collection among themselves during Math 802P this summer and raised $1,600 so that other teachers can have this same opportunity to take graduate courses with free or reduced tuition and fees.

Arnold Elementary teacher Stephanie Nantkes led the fundraising effort for the cohort, and we thank her for her help.

The teachers donated their funds to the Math Teachers for the 21st Century Expendable Fund, which was established at the University of Nebraska Foundation. Gifts to this fund (Fund ID: 01116270) will be restricted for use to support tuition and fees for current math teachers and future math teachers, ensuring a stable source of funding for the future.

Please mail donations to the University of Nebraska Foundation, 1010 Lincoln Mall, Suite 300, Lincoln, NE 68508 and note the Fund ID. Checks should be made payable to the University of Nebraska Foundation. A donation form can be printed from here:

You can also donate online at the CSMCE Foundation site:

For more information, contact Amber Antholz,, 402-458-1182.