Presentation: Putting the thinking back in problem solving

NCTM Presentation
NCTM Presentation

As a Primarily Math graduate or participant, many of you are being asked to provide advice or leadership related to mathematics instruction at your schools. Since one of our goals in creating the K-3 Mathematics Specialist Certification was to place teacher leaders in elementary schools across Nebraska, we couldn’t be more pleased!

In order to help support your leadership efforts, we hope to provide resources which might be useful to you. These may include slide presentations, videos (when possible), books or handouts.

Primarily Math instructors Michelle Homp (UNL) and Susie Katt (LPS) recently developed a presentation on problem solving for the 2012 NCTM Regional Conference in November. The presentation discusses the problems with using keyword strategies and the importance of exposing students to a variety of types of addition and subtraction problems. It also includes ways to really engage students in thinking about the problem they are solving.

You are welcome to use the slides as they are or modify them to suit your purposes. If you would prefer a PowerPoint version of the slides (rather than pdf) please email us at

If any of you have other resources you wish to share, please let us know.

To download the slide presentation go to: