Face Covering Policy at Super Fair

Face coverings over nose/mouth will be required for all while indoors unless you fit in one of the exceptions outlined in the DHM (http://www.lincoln.ne.gov/city/covid19). Known common exceptions to wearing face coverings for the Super Fair will be:
1. You are mounted on a horse;
2. Leading a horse for a halter class while in a warm-up or show horse arena only (doesn’t apply to livestock due to smaller ring size, but does apply to llamas/alpacas in the Multipurpose arena);
3. You are seated and actively eating/drinking;
4. Youth 4 and under; or
5. You are in a set position for the show where 6’ distance can be maintained all day which will be limited show officials at this time.

Face coverings can be a simple bandanna. Disposable face coverings will be available for $1 purchase at entry doors.

Note: Face coverings are required in the livestock/animal show rings in Pavilion 1 and Multipurpose Arena.

Face shields do not replace face coverings as the face shields primarily protect eyes. Face shields can be worn with face coverings (i.e. masks).