February is Nebraska 4-H Month! Help shine a light on 4-H, 4-H’ers and everyone who contributes to 4-H!
• Friday, Feb. 12 — 4-H Volunteer Appreciation Day — thank your 4-H volunteers.
• Wednesday, Feb. 17 — 4-H Spirit Day — wear green or the 4-H clover.
• Friday, Feb. 19 — 4-H Sponsor & Donor... Continue reading…
4-H asks Achievement Celebration award winners to take two photos as outlined below and upload to http://go.unl.edu/Lancaster4HPhotos by Feb. 8:
1) Complete the “I Shine” sign (in your packet) and take a photo of you holding it.
2) Take a photo of you with your awards/certificates. Continue reading…
The annual 2021 Nebraska Severe Weather Awareness Poster Contest is open to Nebraska third grade students. All entries must be received by the local Emergency Management Director/Coordinator on or before Feb. 11.
University of Nebraska-Lincoln's College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources (CASNR) will host an Experience the Power of Red Visit Day on Thursday, Feb. 25, 9 a.m.-12:30p.m. An Animal Science Open House will take place directly following, 1-3 p.m. Please register by Feb. 18. Continue reading…
The Governor’s Agricultural Excellence Awards are sponsored by the Nebraska 4-H Foundation and Nebraska Investment Finance Authority (NIFA). Each year, 25 4-H clubs are awarded $500 to be used as described in the award application form completed by the club. Continue reading…
The statewide 4-H Horse Stampede is planned for Saturday, March 27 on University of Nebraska-Lincoln East Campus. This event offers a variety of 4-H horse contests that don’t require live horses, including public speaking, demonstration, quiz bowl, art and photography. Some changes have been made... Continue reading…
4-H and FFA exhibitors showing market steers or heifers at the Lancaster County Super Fair for participation in rate of gain must weigh-in their projects at the 4-H/FFA Market Beef Weigh-In on Tuesday, March 9, 6–7 p.m. at the Lancaster Event Center Fairgrounds – Pavilion 2. Exhibitors planning... Continue reading…
4-H Speech & PSA Contests are open to all 4-H’ers ages 5–18 — need not be enrolled in a specific project. Youth may participate in either or both the Speech and PSA contests. For rules, helpful resources and examples, go to https://lancaster.unl.edu/4h/speech. Both contests have Clover Kids... Continue reading…
4-H youth ages 8 and older are invited to practice their basic sewing skills and learn to use a pattern to make pajama or lounge wear pants or shorts at the Jammie Jamboree sewing workshop on Saturday, March 13, 9 a.m. until about 12:30 p.m. at the Lancaster Extension Education Center, 444... Continue reading…
The Pick-A-Pig 4-H club is for anyone who wants to learn about pork production and show a pig at the Lancaster County Super Fair. The club is open to all city and rural youth ages 8–18. The club reorganizes in late winter with a strict deadline to join by March 15. Continue reading…
University of Nebraska-Lincoln Animal Science has a new "Inspiring Your Future Scholarship Competition" for incoming animal science majors. Tell your digital story about an individual or animal who has inspired you to pursue an education and career in animal science. Deadline is Feb. 15.
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources (CASNR) Change Maker Competition for the 2021-2022 academic year is now open. For this annual scholarship competition, create a video and tell how you want to impact the world. Continue reading…
Lancaster County 4-H and 4-H Council invite ALL 4-H’ers, 4-H families and volunteers to the 4-H Achievement VIRTUAL Celebration on Tuesday, Feb. 23, 6:30 p.m. Interact with the festivities on Zoom (preferred) at https://go.unl.edu/4HZoom. Watch the festivities on YouTube... Continue reading…
4-H youth ages 8 and up are invited to learn beginning sewing skills while constructing a pillow at the virtual “Pillow Party” sewing workshop on Saturday, Feb. 27, 9 a.m. via Zoom. No registration fee. Must register by Monday, Feb. 15 by calling 402-441-7180 or emailing Kristin at... Continue reading…
Nebraska 4-H is excited to present a NEW statewide 4-H Dog Achievement Program for 4-H'ers ages 8-18, similar to the Diamond Clover program. The Dog Achievement Program consists of four levels which require youth to plan and report a broad range of age-appropriate accomplishments. Continue reading…
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