University of Nebraska-Lincoln's College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources (CASNR) will host an Experience the Power of Red Visit Day on Thursday, Feb. 25, 9 a.m.-12:30p.m. They are planning for an in-person event following social distancing and University safety guidelines, but a virtual option is available. Learn how CASNR prepares students for careers in everything from animals to plants, soil to climate, golf to business, mechanization to leadership, and food to forensic science. Please register by Feb. 18. Details and registration link at https://casnr.unl.edu/experience-power-red-visit-day-february-25. For more information contact 402-472-0615 or spegg2@unl.edu.
An Animal Science Open House will take place directly following the CASNR Experience the Power of Red day. Join anytime 1-3 p.m. Get a more in depth look at the opportunities available to you as an animal science major. Register by Feb. 18 at http://go.unl.edu/asciopenhouse2021. Contact Alli Raymond with questions at 402-472-0204 or araymond2@unl.edu.