Lancaster County 4-H Council, comprised of adult and youth volunteers, is responsible for determining long- and short-term goals and policy for Lancaster County 4-H. Council also raises funds to help support 4-H programs, activities and scholarships. Extension Educator Tracy Anderson is the staff liaison. This year’s 4-H Council is comprised of the following:
Officers: Sara Hansen (President), Nathan Gabel (Vice-President), Madelyn Kreifels (Secretary) and Brenda Nepper (Treasurer and ex officio Extension Board representative).
Members: Cathy Babcock, Samuel Babcock, Mary Ann Gabel, Kylie Hansen, Abigail Kreifels, Sheri Ramirez, John Sump, Mitch Sump, Ava Wharton, Phil Wharton and Cindy Wooledge.