The Career Academy (TCA) invites 4-H/FFA high school families to their upcoming Agriculture/Bioscience Open House on Sunday, March 21 from 1-3 p.m. at TCA, 800 O St. There will be guided tours of TCA and the Ag/Bio Greenhouse, agricultural events and bioscience events.
Agricultural events include:
• Fetal pig dissection
• Bovine pregnancy testing
• Turf irrigation management
• Garden box construction and management
• Farm robot demonstration
Bioscience events include:
• Glowing bacteria
• Purified jellyfish protein
• DNA extraction
• Pipetting by number with paint
• Chemical flame tests
• Various reptiles or other animals
The Career Academy is a joint venture between Lincoln Public Schools and Southeast Community College. The goal of TCA is to provide academic and real world experiences to high school juniors and seniors. Join the Ag/Bio Pathway! Interested in applying or
learning more? Reach out to TCA at 402-325-4700 or go to https://home.lps.org/tca.