Nebraska 4-H is thrilled to offer our first-ever project of the year! This provides the perfect 4-H Club project and is also a great way for new youth and families to get started in 4-H. The 2021 Project of the Year kit focuses on the 4-H entrepreneurship project and includes instructions and materials for completing four hands-on activities that lay the groundwork for a county fair exhibit. The kit includes instructions for enrolling in the appropriate project, materials to complete the project, and instructions for club or project leaders. Order yours now while supplies last at
4-H - Lancaster County Fri. April 30, 2021
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- Free Sewing Fabric Available
- 4-H Camp Scholarships for 4-H’ers
- Virtual Field Trip: Family Farmyard on May 5
- District/State Horse Entries Due TODAY
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- Support local 4-H youth during Give to Lincoln Day, May 25
- Life Challenge Study Packet Available
- Horse Identifications Due June 1
- Volunteer Lunch & Learn Recordings Available
- Project of the Year Kit
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- 4-H/FFA Sheep & Meat Goat Weigh-in, May 11
- Horse Judging Contest, TODAY
- Pre-Districts Horse Clinic/Show, May 22
- Clover College, June 15–18
- YQCA Requirements for Livestock Exhibitors Due June 15
- New — Livestock Parent/Leader Training & ID Help Night
- Seeking Photos of 4-H Clubs and Members
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