Several Fun Clover College Workshops Still Open!

Insect Explorers workshop at 2019 Clover College.
Insect Explorers workshop at 2019 Clover College.

Science, animals, insects, crafts, sewing and more! These are a few of the Clover College workshops with openings: Powerful Polymers (fun science experiments), Backyard Bug Hunt, H2O Jungle, Real World GPS, Pop Can Casting (Fishing), Decorative Couching (sewing embellishment), Horse Course, Cluck Cluck Quack, Critter Scene Investigation, All About DNA, On the Bike Path, Steak Science, Virtual Reality Building, Red Wigglers and Sewing 101.

Lancaster County 4-H Clover College is four days of in-person, “hands-on” workshops full of fun and a sense of belonging. Learning topics include STEAM concepts of science, technology, engineering, art and math which can spark career interests. Youth must be currently at least 8 years old (as of June 15) to attend most workshops. Some workshops have older age requirements.

Details, workshop descriptions and registration link at