Lancaster County 4-H asks for adults and youth ages 8 and up to help 4-H during the Lancaster County Super Fair. If you, someone from your club or an interested volunteer would like to help, contact the Extension office at 402-441-7180.
Help is needed:
• IN THE 4-H FOOD STAND (ages 8 and up) from Wednesday, July 28 through Sunday, August 1 (sign up online at All volunteers are strongly encouraged to attend a food stand training on Sunday, July 25, 5 p.m. at the Lancaster Event Center – Lincoln Room.
• WITH STATIC EXHIBIT SET-UP (ages 8 and up) on Sunday, July 25, 5:30 p.m., in the Lincoln Room. Pizza will be served to the volunteers after set-up.
• DURING JUDGING OF STATIC EXHIBITS (ages 12 and up) on Wednesday, July 28.
The Lancaster County Ag Society invites 4-H/FFA exhibitors and their families (ages 5 and up) to participate in the 4-H/FFA FAMILY VOLUNTEER FUN DAYS to help with fairgrounds setup on Monday, July 26 and Tuesday, July 27, 4–10 p.m. Sign up at http://SuperFair. org/GetInvolved. Pizza and beverages provided!