During the Lancaster County Super Fair, at check-in, fair gate parking attendants at Gate 3 entrance will give 4-H/FFA animal exhibitors with trailers a windshield trailer load-out pass. These passes will give vehicles with trailers access to the closest load-out zone for each animal species during animal load-out on Sunday starting at 7 p.m. On Sunday, in trailer Lot F and the campground, display your trailer load-out pass in your windshield for the animal loading zone you would like to access first.
Starting Sunday, Aug. 1 at 7 p.m., parking staff will release vehicles with trailers from Lot F and the campground to load-out zones as quickly as spots are available. Exhibitors bringing trailers from home will be directed to the appropriate trailer lot to join the other trailers waiting. Trailers are NOT allowed to line up or wait anywhere on the fairgrounds besides Lot F and the campground due to Fire Marshall rules since the fair is still open to the public.
To speed move-out, animal exhibitors are encouraged to bring in passenger vehicles/pickups to load smaller gear on Sunday until 6 p.m. Due to numerous vehicles blocking access next to the buildings at release time, access immediately next to buildings on Sunday will be restricted to ensure all exhibitors will be able to get into these active loading zones as soon as possible after release time on Sunday at 7 p.m.
Note to animal exhibitors not using a trailer — no special parking permit or load out pass needed. Use your 4-H/FFA Exhibitor entry pass hangtag and park in designated public parking (not trailer lots). During peak animal move-out time, there will be space held for both trailers and vehicles without trailers between Pavilions 1 & 2 — please be patient as there are many more exhibitors in these two barns than there is move-out space. If you can use a door not between these two buildings, it will speed your move out.