Summer camps offered at the Nebraska State 4-H Camp near Halsey provide all youth a place to discover, learn and grow! In 2022, there will be several 4- and 5-day camp sessions available for ages 8-18. A transportation option will be available select weeks from Lincoln. Continue reading…
The Nebraska 4-H Farrowed & Owned Swine Cohort provides members an opportunity to learn more about the swine industry by engaging in learning opportunities throughout the year and exhibiting their farrowed and owned swine project at the Nebraska State Fair. Continue reading…
February is Nebraska 4-H Month! Help shine a light on 4-H, 4-H’ers and everyone who contributes to 4-H!
• Wednesday, Feb. 2 — 4-H Spirit Day — wear green, the 4-H clover, or your favorite 4-H shirt!
• Wednesday, Feb. 9 — 4-H Volunteer Appreciation Day — thank your 4-H volunteers. Continue reading…
Nebraska 4-H is presenting a Dog Showmanship Obedience Agility Rally Series (SOARS) workshop series in conjunction with Platte Valley Kennel Club for 4-H'ers 8-18 years old. The first clinic will be Saturday, Feb. 19, 1-4 p.m. at the Companion Dog Club of Omaha and Council Bluffs, 10803 N. 72nd St. Continue reading…
Lancaster County 4-H is planning to hold Clover College in-person on June 21-24 at the Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County conference rooms. Clover College is four days of “hands-on” workshops for youth ages 6 & up. Continue reading…
Need something for the kids to do while they’re out of school? Check out https://4h.unl.edu/virtual-home-learning for simple and fun hands-on activities that require minimal supplies! Resources include self-paced opportunities and activity guides (online & offline activities). Continue reading…
4-H youth ages 8 and up are invited to participate in a Furniture Painting workshop on Saturday, Feb. 12, 9 a.m. until about noon at the Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County conference rooms, 444 Cherrycreek Road. No cost to attend. Adults are welcome to attend to help youth. Continue reading…
4-H youth ages 8 and up are invited to learn beginning sewing skills while constructing a pillow at the Pillow Party sewing workshop on Saturday, Feb.19, 9 a.m. until about noon at the Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County conference rooms, 444 Cherrycreek Road. No cost to attend. Must register... Continue reading…
The Unified Showing 4-H Club empowers youth with special needs by pairing them with buddies who ensure the safety of the youth showman and lamb. There will be a selection process for both showmen (ages 8–18) and buddies (ages 14–18). Applications will be accepted Jan. 1–March 13, 2022. Continue reading…
It’s time for youth and volunteers to re-enroll in 4-H for the 2022 4-H year! You are strongly encouraged to re-enroll by April 1, or you may miss out on communications such as Nebline, email reminders, etc.! Nebraska 4-H has transitioned to 4-H Online 2.0 at https://v2.4honline.com. Continue reading…
This year, all Lancaster County direct volunteers must be rescreened through the Nebraska Dept. of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Central Registry Check. Cost of the screening is $5.
For 4-H club leaders and parents/guardians who volunteer, the process will be initiated when you re-enroll... Continue reading…
Are you a parent, 4-H leader, trainer or volunteer who would like to be more involved in the 4-H Companion Animal and Dog program? Nebraska 4-H is looking for passionate and involved people to add to the Nebraska 4-H Companion Animal Advisory Committee... Continue reading…
Due to the latest COVID-19 community guidance recommendations by the Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department, 4-H Achievement Celebration is being postponed until Friday, March 25, 6:30 p.m. It is still planned to be in-person at the Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County conference rooms... Continue reading…
Teens, have fun using an escape room simulation to "Unlock Ag Innovations" through the 2022 Ag Innovators Experience while teaching youth! Teens are invited to apply to teach local youth about agricultural technologies. Not familiar with agricultural technologies... Continue reading…
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