Nebraska 4-H is presenting a Dog Showmanship Obedience Agility Rally Series (SOARS) workshop series in conjunction with Platte Valley Kennel Club for 4-H'ers 8-18 years old. The first clinic will be Saturday, Feb. 19, 1-4 p.m. at the Companion Dog Club of Omaha and Council Bluffs, 10803 N. 72nd St., Omaha.
Topics covered:
• Basics (flat work & handling)
• Jumps & Tunnels
• Contacts
Early bird registration fee: $15 by Feb. 11.
Day of registration fee: $25.
For more information or register, go to https://ssp.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5nf7WHgYttOeWoe
Must present a Nebraska 4-H Certificate of Vaccination for Dogs, https://lancaster.unl.edu/4h/fair/2017/SF263-Dog-Vaccination-Certification.pdf.
For further questions about registration contact Grace Kim at 402-472-6085 or grace.kim@unl.edu. For workshop details, contact Gisele Olney at gcolney@aol.com.