Nebraska Extension is offering a horse-filled weekend with a Horse Judging School and Contest open to youth ages 10 & up, and adults. Both events will be held on University of Nebraska-Lincoln East Campus at the Animal Science Complex. Register by April 8 or late fees will apply. Continue reading…
A 4-H Cat Show/Clinic will be held on Saturday, April 9, 2 p.m. at the Lancaster Event Center Fairgrounds – Exhibit Hall Lancaster County Farm Bureau Room, 84th & Havelock, Lincoln. Registration and check-in from 1:15–1:45 p.m. Continue reading…
Nebraska Extension's Equine Webinar on Monday, April 11, 6-7 p.m. will focus on how 4-H families submit entries for the Nebraska 4-H Horse district and state shows via Showorks. Entries will be due May 6. To register in advance for the webinar please go to https://4h.unl.edu/horse/webinar-series. Continue reading…
Big Red Summer Academic Camps are residential, career exploration camps held at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. They are open to all youth grades 9th/10th–12th, including recent high school graduates. This year’s dates are June 12–17. Registration deadline is May 20. Continue reading…
Nebraska 4-H offers a statewide Dog Trivia virtual contest. Exhibitors will need to be registered Quizizz players in order to participate. The online trivia will be open from April 12–18. Youth will have the week to complete the required sections. Continue reading…
The Nebraska Agricultural Youth Institute (NAYI) is a five-day program for current high school juniors and seniors to learn more about Nebraska agriculture, network with agriculture leaders and discover the many careers available in agriculture. NAYI will be held July 11–15... Continue reading…
The Jeffrey S. Raikes School of Computer Science and Management at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln is hosting two computer science camps July 10-23 on city campus for high school students who expect to enter college in the fall of 2023. Application deadline is April 15. Continue reading…
A select number of Lancaster County 4-H members will receive full scholarships to attend a 4-H summer camp near Halsey! Applicants must be age 8 or older and currently enrolled in 4-H. Recipients may receive this scholarship only once. Preference given to applications submitted by May 1. Continue reading…
The Nebraska 4-H Youth Leadership Conference for all youth ages 14-18 will be held June 24-26 at the Nebraska State 4-H Camp at Halsey. Registration is $200 and covers all room, board and materials. Continue reading…
The 2022 4-H Achievement Celebration Awards results, slideshow presentation (as a PDF) and Accomplishments of Note video are now online at https://lancaster.unl.edu/4h/achievement. Photos are posted on Flickr at https://www.flickr.com/photos/unlextlanco/albums/72177720297697598. Continue reading…
The Spring Fling Dressage Schooling Show, presented by the Lancaster County Horse VIPS committee and Esprit De Corps 4-H Club, will be held on Saturday April 30, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. at the Lancaster Event Center Fairgrounds. Open to all ages to benefit the 4-H horse program. Entries are due April 16. Continue reading…
In celebration of the Week of the Volunteer, Nebraska 4-H will be hosting a live Lunch & Learn volunteer training series. Starting at noon CDT, each session will provide practical tips and information for volunteers and club leaders, followed by discussion and networking time. Continue reading…
Nebraska Extension's food preservation team will present a free Zoom class, "Jelly Making," on Tuesday, April 19, 7-9 p.m. Extension's experts will give a live demonstration of making jelly and answer your questions. The virtual class is open to everyone — adults and youth. Continue reading…
Support 4-H by eating at Runza on 33rd and Pioneers on Tuesday, April 19 from 5–8 p.m. Simply mention 4-H and Lancaster County 4-H Council will receive 15% of the proceeds. 4-H Council helps support 4-H programs, activities and scholarships.
Lancaster County 4-H Horsemanship Advancement Level tests must be done in group testings. The second 2022 testing will be held on Tuesday, April 26 at the Lancaster Event Center Fairgrounds. Anyone wishing to be tested must sign up by Tuesday, April 19. Continue reading…
What is “Essential Pizza?” New leaders, experienced leaders, volunteers and parents are invited to attend a 4-H Leader/Volunteer Update Training on Thursday, April 28, 9 a.m. or 6:30 p.m. to find out. (You choose which time to participate.) Continue reading…
4-H/FFA market sheep or market meat goat exhibitors planning to participate in the performance class based on rate of gain at the Lancaster County Super Fair must have their lambs and goats weighed on Tuesday, May 10, 6–7 p.m. at the Lancaster Event Center Fairgrounds – Pavilion 1. Continue reading…
Nebraska 4-H requires all members enrolled in a livestock project to complete annual quality assurance certification through the Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) program. The program has recently moved to a new online system at https://yqcaprogram.org. Continue reading…
Lancaster County 4-H is planning to hold Clover College in-person on June 21-24 at the Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County conference rooms. Clover College is four days of “hands-on” workshops for youth ages 6 & up. Continue reading…
Nebraska State 4-H Camp near Halsey will offer several overnight camps May 31 through Aug. 7, open to all youth ages 8–18. The recent fire in the Nebraska National Forest near Halsey did not affect the area near 4-H camp. 4-H Summer Camps will operate as normal this summer! Continue reading…
The 2022 Winners Unlimited Livestock Judging Camp for youth ages 7-18 will be held at University of Nebraska-Lincoln East Campus on June 8-10. Students will be housed at Masengale Hall for the duration of the camp. Cost is $300 and registration deadline is May 23.
Do you coach, or participate in, competitive Horse Judging or Hippology? Are you looking for classes to practice? Check out this opportunity. Register for this course and you will have access to 6 classes to judge, along with the official placings, and an official critique... Continue reading…
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