Lancaster County 4-H Horsemanship Advancement Level tests must be done in group testings. The first 2022 testing will be held on Tuesday, April 12 at the Lancaster Event Center Fairgrounds. Anyone wishing to be tested must sign up by Tuesday, April 5. Contact Kate Pulec at 402-441-7180 or kpulec3@unl.edu to sign-up. Held in the evening, time slots will be emailed. A second testing is scheduled for Tuesday, April 26, at the Lancaster Event Center Fairgrounds. Sign-up deadline for the April 26 testing is Tuesday, April 19.
Remember, all other horsemanship level requirements and paperwork must be completed and handed in to Kate before the riding portion can be done. It is important to note 4-H’ers need to be testing with their own 4-H projects. The horse is being tested (and acclimated) also. In addition, youth testing for level II must have their horses groomed/clipped for show readiness. This is part of the level II test. If youth/horse do not pass this portion, they will need to come back and retest.
Notice from Horse VIPS About ‘No Shows’ at Level Testings — 4-H’ers must notify Kate (kpulec3@unl.edu or 402-441-7180) at least 24 hours in advance if they can’t make the testing they are signed up for. A $20 fee will be assessed to anyone who signs up for a testing and then doesn’t come or doesn’t notify Kate before the testing date. The fee will need to be paid before the 4-H’er will be allowed to test on another date.