4-H’ers competing in 4-H district and state horse shows must be 10 years of age by Jan. 1 and meet level requirements. For specific requirements, entry process, link for online entries, 2 & 3-year old western pleasure affidavits and more information, visit https://4h.unl.edu/state-horse-expo-entry. Deadline for online entries is by Friday, May 6, 5 p.m. NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED! Horse identification forms, 2 & 3-year old affidavits and completed horsemanship levels must be submitted to the Extension office by Friday, May 6.
Nebraska 4-H has two new recorded webinar videos to help families with entries, which are linked at https://4h.unl.edu/horse-district-shows-entry:
• How to Properly Enter (2022): direct link https://use.vg/TLgXiU
• Updates to District and State Shows (2022): direct link https://use.vg/QwKCxE