Enroll/Re-Enroll Online by June 15


4-H members must be enrolled/re-enrolled by June 15. Nebraska 4-H has transitioned to 4-H Online 2.0 at https://v2.4honline.com. 4-H club leaders and adult volunteers also need to re-enroll every year. For returning families, please do not create a new account — use your log-in credentials you previously used for 4-H Online 1.0. Only parents/guardians may enroll 4-H members. Each 4-H household will need to set up a profile in which the 4-H youth and/or volunteers in the household will be added. There is no fee to enroll in 4-H in Lancaster County.

NOTE: The only required health information is regarding allergies — The rest is needed only if a child is planning to attend an overnight camp or campus event. Whether you fully complete the health section or not, at the end of this section, make sure to provide your confirmation of "Permission to Treat" in order for you to move to the next screens to complete the enrollment.

Step-by-step instructions for new and returning members, as well as new and returning club leaders, are at https://4h.unl.edu/enroll. If you have questions about the process, email Lancaster4H@unl.edu or call 402-441-7180.