Watch & Learn by July 15! View what these tech savvy teens have created and help reach their goal!

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The Nebraska 4-H Tech Changemakers are a team of teens whose goal is to help increase people's digital skills. Members from Lancaster County 4-H include Clare Bauman, Jonah Calcara, Ethan Gabel, and Christina Xu. These teens have shared technology related presentations to several groups in Lancaster County, but they want to reach more.

If you are a Lancaster County resident ages 14 and up, please view the two videos Ethan Gabel and Christina Xu created and complete a short online survey after each video by July 15. If the survey is not completed, we will not have a record showing information was shared.

Below is a link to the video, Strong Passwords. Please note you will see a QR code at the end of the video which will bring up the survey. The first survey question asks, “Which session did you attend?” you’ll want to select, “Other” and add the title, “Strong Passwords.”

Strong Passwords:

The second video is Responsible Behavior Guidelines for the Internet, can be viewed at this link:

We appreciate your completing the survey for this as well.

You can also find the survey for both videos at:

Thank you in advance for your help!