The 4-H year is Oct. 1–Sept. 30 and, since it is a new 4-H year, all 4-H members and volunteers must re-enroll for the 2022–2023 4-H year (even if you just enrolled in August or September).
The website to enroll or re-enroll is https://v2.4honline.com. New members and fair projects may be updated through June 15.
The process is easy and only takes a few minutes per member or volunteer. Only parents/guardians may enroll 4-H members. Each 4-H household will need to initially set up a profile in which the 4-H youth and/or volunteers in the household will be added. For returning families/volunteers, please do not create a new account — use your previous log-in credentials. There is no fee to enroll in 4-H in Lancaster County.
NOTE: The only required health information is regarding allergies.
The rest is needed only if a child is planning to attend an overnight camp or campus event.
Step-by-step instructions for new and returning members, as well as new and returning club leaders, are at https://4h.unl.edu/enroll. If you have questions about the process, contact Barb Sullivan at barbara.sullivan@unl.edu or 402-441-7180.
For enrollment to be complete, at least one project needs to be selected as well as choosing a club (or Lancaster Independent or FFA chapter).
PROJECTS: When signing up for individual projects — note the abbreviations for the project areas. We have added the abbreviations to the 4-H Project List at http://lancaster.unl.edu/4h/club/ProjectList.pdf to help you locate an individual project. For example, you will find “Sketchbook Crossroads” under C&FS which stands for Consumer and Family Science instead of under ‘S’ or under ‘Art.’
INDEPENDENT MEMBERS: 4-H members enrolling as independent need to select “Lancaster Independent” under “club.”
FFA MEMBERS: FFA members need to select TCA FFA, Crete FFA, Norris FFA, Raymond Central FFA or Waverly FFA under “club.”
VOLUNTEERS: 4-H club and project leaders must re-enroll every year. 4-H club organizational leaders are able to view their 4-H club’s roster online after enrolling for the current year and contacting Barb Sullivan to get a login code.