Nebraska 4-H is presenting a Dog Showmanship Obedience Agility Rally Series (SOARS) of workshops in conjunction with Platte Valley Kennel Club for 4-H'ers 8-18 years old. The first clinic will be Saturday, Jan. 21, 1–4 p.m. at Go Dogs Inc., 2348 N. 83rd, Omaha.
Topics covered:
• Rally
• Showmanship
• Agility
Early registration is not required, but it is helpful. Please provide a working email for further information about the workshop. Day of registration fee per session: $20 (make checks payable to UNL).
For more information or to register, go to
Must present a Nebraska 4-H Certificate of Vaccination for Dogs,
Upcoming 2023 workshop dates include:
• Saturday, Feb. 18 – Omaha
• Saturday, Mar. 18 – Lincoln
For further questions about registration, contact Grace Kim at 402-472-6085 or For workshop details, contact Gisele Olney at