Beginning in 2023, there will no longer be 4-H District Horse Shows. The Fonner Park State Horse Expo will be held July 15–19 in Grand Island. Exhibitors must be ages 10–18 (by Jan. 1 of the current year) and have passed Horsemanship Advancement Levels I and II. State 4-H Horse Show, Hippology and Horse Judging entries, horse ID’s and level requirements are due June 1. The entry process must be completed online by the exhibitor or their family. For more information and entry link, go to https://4h.unl.edu/horse-expo. Horse identification certificates, 2- & 3-year old western pleasure affidavits and completed horsemanship levels must be submitted to the Extension office or lancaster4H@unl.edu or kpulec3@unl.edu. Hippology and Horse Judging contest entry fees of Lancaster County 4-H youth will be reimbursed by Lancaster County 4-H Council. Submit receipt invoice to lancaster4H@unl.edu or the Extension office. If you have questions, contact Kate Pulec at kpulec3@unl.edu.