All Nebraska State Fair 4-H livestock exhibitors and in-person contest exhibitors may order discounted tickets during their online entry process in ShoWorks at https://www.statefair.org/ag-competitions/4-h-ffa-exhibitors. Please note that 4-H dog exhibitors and exhibitors of other non-livestock items (4-H Fashion Show and other contests) will receive a daily gate pass with their entry. 4-H and FFA youth livestock (beef, swine, sheep, goat, rabbit, poultry) exhibitors will automatically receive the 11-day fair admission wristband with their livestock entry with no additional step required during the entry process.
State Fair 4-H static exhibitor families will be able to order discount tickets directly from the Nebraska State Fair. Lancaster County 4-H will email the link and password to 4-H'ers whose static exhibits qualified for State Fair. There is a limit of 10 tickets per exhibitor. Discount tickets will NOT be available directly from the county offices.
The Nebraska State Fair is thrilled to host the 1st annual 4-H Day during the Nebraska State Fair! To celebrate 4-H members statewide, all enrolled 4-H'ers are offered discounted admission for Sunday, Aug. 27 only. This is not just for State Fair exhibitors, but ANY 4-H member. This is only intended for 4-H youth. Family members, including parents, will need to purchase regular admission tickets. The link to order is https://www.etix.com/ticket/p/7980811/4h-day-at-nebraska-state-fair-good-on-aug-27-only-lincoln-nebraska-state-fairlivestock.
The Nebraska State Fair has ticket options available to the general public at https://www.statefair.org/buy-tickets.