All 4-H leaders and volunteers helping with clubs and independent members are encouraged to attend the Fall 4-H Leader Update/Training on Thursday, Oct. 19, 9 a.m. via Zoom or in-person at the Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County conference rooms, 444 Cherrycreek Road, Suite A, Lincoln. The training theme will be “You Are an Important Piece of the Puzzle” and will focus on 4-H club organization, new information for the upcoming 4-H year, opportunities for your 4-H members and more. This is a great time to connect with other parents and leaders. You MUST pre-register by Monday, Oct. 9 by calling Kristin Geisert at 402-441-7180 or emailing at kristin.geisert@unl.edu. Please indicate if you will be attending in-person or via Zoom.