You may have noticed changes to the nomination procedure for the Aksarben Stock Show for 2024. The organizers of the State Fair and Aksarben Stock Shows want to clarify how those changes impact you as exhibitors at the Nebraska State Fair. The Aksarben Stock Show will continue to honor the dual submission of DNA for both the Nebraska State Fair and Aksarben Stock Show. You will continue to obtain DNA envelopes from your county Extension Office and follow the procedure for Nebraska 4-H/FFA for Livestock Nomination. However, there will be an additional step for 2024.
Separate from the State Fair nomination process, you will need to nominate for the Aksarben Stock Show by 5 p.m. on Monday, July 1. You will do so by going to https://www.aksarbenstockshow.com, then going to the page for nominations. There, you not only can find the link to go to the nomination website, but you will also find instructions. You will specifically want to select the process for “Dual Nomination for the Nebraska State Fair and Aksarben.” It will lead you completely through the process. You will NOT be purchasing DNA envelopes, just nominating animals.
A couple of important items in the process provided on the website that we want to emphasize:
— Where you are required to put envelope number, you will put 0000 for envelopes submitted for the Nebraska State Fair.
— For each animal, you will select the slide box at the bottom that you are dual nominating.
— Family nominations are accepted.
— Dual nomination of females for breeding and market is allowed.
A frequently asked question from our State Fair families is regarding additional animals you didn’t nominate for the State Fair. In that case you will follow the instructions on the website for regular nomination, which will guide you how to purchase DNA envelopes and the requirements for returning it to us.
Please note, the deadline to complete the online nomination is 5 p.m. on Monday, July 1st.
If you have any questions or need assistance with nominating, please contact at 308-382-1620 or email us at aksarben@statefair.org.