Livestock Judging Contest at the Lancaster County Super Fair; Register by Aug. 1

Livestock Judging Contest at the 2023 Lancaster County Fair
Livestock Judging Contest at the 2023 Lancaster County Fair

A 4-H/FFA Livestock Judging Contest will be held at the Lancaster County Super Fair on Sunday, Aug. 4, 12–2 p.m. in the Currency Pavilion — Arena, West Side (formerly Pavilion 1). Register by Thursday, Aug. 1, 6 p.m. in the livestock office at the fair. Open to 4-H and FFA members. Come join the fun judging livestock and bring your parents! There will be a short orientation before the contest outlining how to fill out the judging cards and where to answer questions for those who have never judged before. Youth may judge as individuals or teams. Teams will consist of four youth and one adult.

Seven classes shall consist of 2 beef, 2 sheep, 2 swine and 1 meat goat. Classes will be decided
day of contest and could consist of market and/or breeding animals. Contestants will have 12
minutes to judge each class. No reasons will be given; however, questions will be asked on 3

Resource video with Livestock Judging Contest judge's comments is available at