Several 4‑H milestones will be celebrated at the 4‑H Achievement Celebration on Thursday, Feb. 13, 6:30 p.m. The following milestone honorees will receive special recognition: 2025 high school seniors, 3–year members, 2–year leaders, 5–year leaders, 10–year leaders, 15–year leaders, 20–year leaders, etc.
Graduating seniors will receive a 4‑H Alumni T-shirt!
In order for 4‑H members and leaders (including organizational and project leaders) to receive a pin, award or T‑shirt, please answer survey questions online by Wednesday, Jan. 8.
4‑H Member survey can be found here: https://go.unl.edu/4hmembersurvey2025
4‑H Leader survey can be found here: https://go.unl.edu/4hleadersurvey2025
If you need assistance or prefer to phone in your responses, call at 402-441-7180 and ask to speak with Caroline.
Thank you to Lancaster County 4‑H Council for sponsoring all 4‑H pins, awards and T‑shirts!